
Helios Energy - 13-in-1 Toy Robot / Powered by the Sun



Detailed description:

Educational DIY kit

Material: Eco-friendly plastic + electronic components

Weight: 500 g

Package dimensions: 200 mm × 310 mm × 65 mm


13-in-1 Toy Robot kit allows to build 13 different robots: a boat, a turtle, a beetle, a crawfish, a car, a dog, a zombie, etc.

No batteries required.


The toy components fit easily together, this allows a child from 6 years old assemble it independently.

Using detailed instructions makes it possible to create 13 different types of robots that can move independently or swim in the water using solar energy.

After assembling the desired model of the robot, it’s possible to easily disassemble it and assemble another model.

The main value of the toy is that’s its educational - it teaches children to use eco-friendly energy.

Children with their boundless imagination will be able to assemble and rearrange robots of the desired model and, while playing, will better understand what solar-powered electrical energy is and how it works.

Introduce children to solar energy with a toy robot!